Comprendre Toute La Finance Christophe Thibierge Pdf Printer

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Author by: Christophe Thibierge Language: en Publisher by: Springer Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 25 Total Download: 416 File Size: 40,9 Mb Description: This textbook offers an approachable guide to all key concepts within corporate finance. Emphasizing the use of common sense rather than number-crunching models, it provides a compact, easy to read experience for any reader, practitioners and students alike, whatever their background. A Practical Guide to Corporate Finance begins with the basics of how to read financial statements and how to estimate future cash flows. It also includes a guide to subjects such as capital budgeting decisions, the cost of financing for businesses, cash and working capital management, the process of business valuation, and how stock markets work.

Comprendre Toute La Finance Christophe Thibierge Pdf Printer

This textbook breaks the financial ice by offering real, practical advice, helping the reader to avoid common pitfalls, and translate the 'financialese', or business jargon that can cause confusion for those without a financial or banking background. Every chapter features real-life applications, and is punctuated with mini case studies in the form of a 'Slice of Life' and numerous dialogues that help shape the comprehension of the reader. Author by: Laurent Gautier Language: fr Publisher by: Frank & Timme GmbH Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 39 Total Download: 239 File Size: 55,6 Mb Description: Ce volume collectif offre une mise en perspective pluridisciplinaire et plurilingue des discours de la bourse et de la finance. Une premi re partie th matise, la lumi re de la Finance islamique, les liens entre discours financiers et id ologie. Un second ensemble d' tudes interroge le discours de la crise dans une optique tant diachronique que synchronique avant que la troisi me partie ne s'arr te sur les strat gies discursives, essentiellement argumentatives, d velopp es dans le discours financier.

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Agr g d'allemand, docteur et habilit diriger des recherches en linguistique allemande, Laurent Gautier est ma tre de conf rences l'Universit de Bourgogne. Ses travaux portent sur les discours sp cialis s abord s dans une perspective cognitive (sc narios, m taphores, constructions) et contrastive.